The J-STD-001 Endorsement is included of the following IPC Certification Programs: Certified IPC Specialist (CIS), Certified IPC Trainer (CIT/MIT), Certified Standards Expert (CSE/SCSE). Specific program information is outlined in the Policies and Procedures.
Topics Covered in the IPC J-STD-001 Endorsement Program
- Instructional skills and the roles and responsibilities of Certified IPC Trainers (CIT Certification program only)
- General requirements, such as safety, tools and electrostatic discharge (ESD)
- Wire and terminal assembly requirements, demonstrations and laboratory
- Through-hole technology requirements, demonstrations and laboratory
- Surface mount technology requirements, demonstrations and laboratory
- General soldered connection acceptance requirements (including Lead Free)
- Machine and reflow soldering process requirements
- Test methods and related standards
Who Should Earn an IPC J-STD-001 Endorsement?

Assembly process engineers, quality assurance supervisors, training managers and others responsible for the quality and reliability of soldered electronic assemblies are excellent candidates for the program.
Company-wide quality assurance initiatives can showcase this IPC-sponsored program to illustrate their commitment to continuous operations and product improvement. IPC recognition sends a strong message to customers that your company is serious about implementing J-STD-001.