How do you learn to talk to people intelligently

In the world of communications, the ability to communicate properly with people is one of the most important skills. How do you learn to talk to people? Many questions, problems and life situations can be solved if you are able to convey your thoughts, demands and desires to your interlocutor (opponent) correctly.

A human being is a social being, so the importance of verbal communication can hardly be overestimated. “The human is too human” – Nietzsche would support my idea now. Oratorical art and rhetoric have their roots deep in history. Already in Ancient Greece there were lessons of rhetoric, philosophy. But at that time it was more about eloquence, about the presentation of what was being said than the essence and content. Nowadays, the question of communication is not only about the eloquence of what is said, but also about the meaning and influence on the interlocutor.

What is it for?
Competent speech, ability to explain clearly and convey information – a significant asset in the social life of the person, will get rid of many difficulties in the following questions and qualitatively improve the process of social activity:

Interpersonal relations and everyday life (in personal life, friendship, communication with relatives);
Employment, communication with the staff, managers and subordinates;
Communication with service personnel (hotels, cafes, restaurants, theatres, museums, cinemas, etc.);
Others (e.g., hotels, cafes, restaurants, theatres, museums, cinemas, etc.).
How to learn to talk to people correctly
Inborn ability to find contacts and keep them some given to individuals from nature. If you do not have the gift to be convincing from birth, do not despair – the skill can be developed. Here are some basic recommendations on how to develop the skills of communication, learn to talk to people correctly:

How do you learn to talk to people intelligently

Take the time to read books in different directions – this broadens your horizons and increases your vocabulary; knowledge entices people;
Say it so that you can be “heard”: Loudly, clearly, with inspiration, add mimicry, emphasize the key points – passion fascinates people, making the speaker in their eyes as convincing as possible;
Show interest and sympathy for interlocutors, show affection and respect, smile – when the interlocutor feels important and interesting he wants to continue to communicate;
Show confidence in your voice, gaze, facial expressions, gestures – people like to communicate with confident people, more willing to answer their questions, respond to requests and demands.
You must be prepared that learning to communicate properly, like any process, is not fast, gradual. Don’t be upset if it doesn’t work out right away, because you want to be persistent and continue to refine your communication skills.